VSCode IDAPython 开发环境配置

VSCode IDAPython 开发环境配置

开发工具 版本
OS Windows 10
IDA Version IDA Pro 7.5
IDACode(VSCode插件) 0.3.0

0x00 安装IDACode插件

仓库地址 https://github.com/ioncodes/idacode




  1. 将代码仓库中的/ida目录下所有文件复制到本地IDA的plugins目录下,例如我的是C:\Program Files\IDA 7.5\plugins
  2. 修改上述文件夹中的idacode_utils/settings.py, 端口如无特殊需求保持默认即可, PYTHON设置为本地IDA所使用的python解释器, 例如我使用的是conda的默认解释器: PYTHON = "C:\\ProgramData\\Miniconda3\\python.exe"
  3. 给本地IDA所使用的python解释器安装依赖:python -m pip install --user debugpy tornado
  4. 此时重启IDA, 在插件目录中应该可以看到IDACode这一项, 单击可以看到output栏中有[IDACode] Listening on的输出, 说明安装成功

0x01 配置VSCode开发环境


在vscode的settings(json)中把本地IDA Python库的位置添加进去, 例如我的是 C:\Program Files\IDA 7.5\python\3, 则settings中添加的项为:

"python.autoComplete.extraPaths": [
   "C:\\Program Files\\IDA 7.5\\python\\3"
"python.analysis.extraPaths": [
   "C:\\Program Files\\IDA 7.5\\python\\3"




继续阅读“VSCode IDAPython 开发环境配置”

L3HCTF 2021 Reverse 两道题解 (IDAAAAAA double-joy)

这波reverse全军覆没了属于是,最后1/7。。然后队友依然打到了rank3 orz orz




tag: 细节+脑洞











global jIS40A
jIS40A = [...] # 一个长度1000的list,每个item是一堆bytes
N4QKUt = 0
EpUdLx = 4728923
uwGgnM = idaapi.bpt_t()
idaapi.get_bpt(EpUdLx, uwGgnM)
uwGgnM.elang = "Python"
uwGgnM.condition = "N4QKUt = {}\n".format(N4QKUt) + 'VLzxDy = idaapi.get_byte(5127584 + N4QKUt)\nVLzxDy -= ord(\'a\')\nif VLzxDy == 0:\n    bYsMTa = 287\n    LjzrdT = b\'lqAT7pNI3BX\'\nelif VLzxDy == 1:\n    bYsMTa = 96\n    LjzrdT = b\'z3Uhis74aPq\'\nelif VLzxDy == 2:\n    bYsMTa = 8\n    LjzrdT = b\'9tjseMGBHR5\'\nelif VLzxDy == 3:\n    bYsMTa = 777\n    LjzrdT = b\'FhnvgMQjexH\'\nelif VLzxDy == 4:\n    bYsMTa = 496\n    LjzrdT = b\'SKnZ51f9WsE\'\nelif VLzxDy == 5:\n    bYsMTa = 822\n    LjzrdT = b\'gDJy104BSHW\'\nelif VLzxDy == 6:\n    bYsMTa = 914\n    LjzrdT = b\'PbRV4rSM7fd\'\nelif VLzxDy == 7:\n    bYsMTa = 550\n    LjzrdT = b\'WHPnoMTsbx3\'\nelif VLzxDy == 8:\n    bYsMTa = 273\n    LjzrdT = b\'mLx5hvlqufG\'\nelif VLzxDy == 9:\n    bYsMTa = 259\n    LjzrdT = b\'QvKgNmUFTnW\'\nelif VLzxDy == 10:\n    bYsMTa = 334\n    LjzrdT = b\'TCrHaitRfY1\'\nelif VLzxDy == 11:\n    bYsMTa = 966\n    LjzrdT = b\'m26IAvjq1zC\'\nelif VLzxDy == 12:\n    bYsMTa = 331\n    LjzrdT = b\'dQb2ufTZwLX\'\nelif VLzxDy == 13:\n    bYsMTa = 680\n    LjzrdT = b\'Y6Sr7znOeHL\'\nelif VLzxDy == 14:\n    bYsMTa = 374\n    LjzrdT = b\'hLFj1wl5A0U\'\nelif VLzxDy == 15:\n    bYsMTa = 717\n    LjzrdT = b\'H6W03R7TLFe\'\nelif VLzxDy == 16:\n    bYsMTa = 965\n    LjzrdT = b\'fphoJwDKsTv\'\nelif VLzxDy == 17:\n    bYsMTa = 952\n    LjzrdT = b\'CMF1Vk7NH4O\'\nelif VLzxDy == 18:\n    bYsMTa = 222\n    LjzrdT = b\'43PSbAlgLqj\'\nelse:\n    bYsMTa = -1\nif bYsMTa < 0:\n    cpu.rsp -= 8\n    cpu.rdi = 4927649\n    cpu.rax = 0\n    idaapi.patch_qword(cpu.rsp, 4202616)\n    idaapi.del_bpt(cpu.rip)\n    cpu.rip = 4263680\nelse:\n    zaqhdD = 0x486195\n    bYsMTa = jIS40A[bYsMTa]\n\n    idaapi.patch_bytes(5117568, bYsMTa)\n    idaapi.patch_bytes(5117488, LjzrdT)\n\n    cpu.rsp -= 8\n    idaapi.patch_qword(cpu.rsp, zaqhdD)\n    cpu.rdi = 5117568\n    cpu.rsi = len(bYsMTa)\n    cpu.rdx = 5117488\n    cpu.rcx = 11\n    cpu.r8 = 5117568\n    cpu.rax = 5117568\n\n    idaapi.add_bpt(zaqhdD)\n    jQfwUA = idaapi.bpt_t()\n    idaapi.get_bpt(zaqhdD, jQfwUA)\n    jQfwUA.elang = "Python"\n    jQfwUA.condition = "N4QKUt = {}\\nSdjOr3 = {}\\n".format(N4QKUt, len(bYsMTa)) + \'bYsMTa = idaapi.get_bytes(cpu.rax, SdjOr3).decode()\\nzaqhdD = 4767838\\nidaapi.add_bpt(zaqhdD)\\njQfwUA = idaapi.bpt_t()\\nidaapi.get_bpt(zaqhdD, jQfwUA)\\njQfwUA.elang = "Python"\\njQfwUA.condition = "N4QKUt = {}\\\\n".format(N4QKUt+1) + bYsMTa\\nidaapi.del_bpt(zaqhdD)\\nidaapi.add_bpt(jQfwUA)\\nidaapi.del_bpt(cpu.rip)\\ncpu.rsp -= 8\\nidaapi.patch_qword(cpu.rsp, zaqhdD)\\ncpu.rip = 4447160\\n\'\n    idaapi.del_bpt(zaqhdD)\n    idaapi.add_bpt(jQfwUA)\n    idaapi.del_bpt(cpu.rip)\n    cpu.rip = 4201909\n'
cpu.rsp -= 8
idaapi.patch_qword(cpu.rsp, EpUdLx)
cpu.rip = 4202096

继续阅读“L3HCTF 2021 Reverse 两道题解 (IDAAAAAA double-joy)”

Intel SGX: 基本概念

SGX是Intel实现的可信执行环境,主要面向服务器和桌面端,提供了内存加密(Memory Encryption)、访问控制(Access Control)、远程认证(Remote Attestation)、本地密封(Sealing)等功能。

0x00 Overview


  1. 每个application分为两部分:安全(可信)部分和不安全(不可信)的部分
  2. application启动后,会在受保护的可信内存中加载一块飞地(enclave)
  3. application通过把机密数据、代码放到enclave里来保证安全性
  4. enclave为application提供调用接口,当application调用enclave内的函数时,其内部的任何内存仅enclave自身可见
  5. enclave内存即使ring 0的攻击者也看不到,因为是CPU层面的保护。实际上在SGX的安全模型里OS、BIOS等等都可以被认为是不可信的


  1. application 本身包括了自身的代码、数据和enclave
  2. enclave里面也有其自身的代码、数据
  3. SGX保证enclave里面的代码和数据的integrity和confidentiality
  4. enclave的entry points在编译期就确定了
  5. enclave可以访问它所在的application里的内存,但是反过来不行
  6. 支持多线程

继续阅读“Intel SGX: 基本概念”

rCore-OS Lab2: Batch Processing and Privileges

In lab 1, we have made our code work on a bare-metal computer (simulated by QEMU) successfully. However, it can do nothing but print some strings we hardcoded in the program on the terminal. Of course you can make it more complicated, such as factoring a large number, calculating the inverse of a matrix, etc. That’s cool but there are two significant drawbacks of this approach:

  1. The CPU runs a single program each time. Since the computing resources are precious(especially in the old time when you don’t have a modern OS), users who have many programs to run have to wait in front of the computer and manually load&start the next program after the previous one finished.
  2. Nobody wants to write the SBI and assembly level stuff every time, and it’s a duplication of efforts.

In order to solve these problems, people invented the Simple Batch Processing System, which can load a batch of application programs and automatically execute them one by one. Besides, the Batch Processing System will provide some “library” code such as console output functions which may be reused by many programs.

A new problem arises when we use the batch process system: error handling. The user’s program may (often) run into errors, unconsciously or intentionally. We do not want the error of any program to affect others or the system, so the system should be able to handle these errors and terminate the programs when necessary. To achieve this goal we introduced the Privileges mechanism and isolate user’s code from the system, which we will refer to as user mode and kernel mode. Note that this mechanism requires some support from hardware, and we will illustrate that with code in the following parts.

0x00 Privileges mechanism

The underlying reason for implementing the privileges mechanism is the system cannot trust any submitted program. Any errors or attacks could happen and may corrupt the system. We have to restrict users’ programs in an isolated “harmless” environment, where they have no access to 1) arbitrary memory or 2) any over-powerful instructions which may break the computer. In this lab, we mainly focus on the last point.

Prohibiting users’ program from using privileged instructions need the help from CPU. In riscv64, 4 levels of privileges are designed:

Level Encode Name
0 00 U, User/Application
1 01 S, Supervisor
2 10 H, Hypervisor
3 11 M, Machine

All modes, except Machine, have to go through binary interfaces provided by higher levels to control the hardware. The privileges level and their relation in our scenario are shown in the following figure:

The binary interfaces between User mode and Supervisor mode are named Application Binary Interface (ABI), or another more famous one: syscall.
继续阅读“rCore-OS Lab2: Batch Processing and Privileges”

公式识别Web端更新 21.11.09

声明: 由于经济原因本人已无力继续维护此服务,有愿意接手的人可以点击本行与我联系,谢谢







  1. 这个网站购买卡密
  2. 在网页中点选 第三方付费接口
  3. 将得到的卡密中的APP_IDAPP_KEY分别填入网页中提示填写的两个文本框内
  4. 然后截图+粘贴使用即可


有任何疑问都可以仔细阅读MathpixCsharp的介绍:http://blog.itewqq.cn/mathpixcsharp-opensource-windows-client/ 和免费版Web app的介绍http://blog.itewqq.cn/image-to-latex-convert-app/


另:由于我的前端优化和审美UI设计能力几乎为0,所以如果您对于前端界面有自己的想法,也可以直接修改代码( https://github.com/itewqq/MathF/blob/master/index.html ),欢迎PR!