rCore-OS Lab3: Time-sharing Multi-tasking

Lab3: Time-sharing Multi-tasking

In lab2, we implemented a Batch-Processing OS, allowing users to submit a bunch of programs at once then just wait for the result(s). Besides, we have made some basic security checks to prevent memory fault(or attack) in user’s programs influencing the other ones or OS. Despite the large labor-saving, it is still a far cry from a modern OS.

Think about how the OS behaves nowadays: Multi-tasking(you feel like doing many works at the same time), Real-time interaction(whenever click or press a key you get responses instantly), Memory Management, I/O Devices Management, and Networking utilities. It is those features, supported by complicated underlay mechanisms, that let us operate computers in a satisfying and efficient way. And in this lab, we are going to address the Multi-tasking problem, which takes an essential step towards our modern OS target.

The basic idea of multi-tasking on a single CPU is very simple: we run each task for a small piece of time, then switch to the next task and repeat this procedure. If we switch fast enough then it looks like we are running many programs at the same time.

The cruxes:

  1. How do we allocate memory of the programs? We need to preserve the task context (registers, stack, etc) in memory so that when we switch back and everything goes fine as before.
  2. How to switch between tasks? The OS code cannot run when the user’s programs occupy the CPU, so we need to seize this power from the user’s programs, without destruction to them.
  3. How do we schedule those tasks? What is the proper time interval to perform task switching? How do decide which one should run next?

In the following parts, we will discuss these problems, one by one.

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Insomni’hack teaser 2022 Pwn writeup


偶然在推特看到的这个比赛, 搜了下似乎国内没什么人参加, 但是往年题目质量还不错(?), 摸鱼打了打, 4道pwn只做了2个, 剩下一个是Windows Pwn一个是GameBoy, 都不太熟= =.


glibc 2.23的heap菜单题, some old tricks 😀


  • 能申请的mem size只有四种: 0x18 0x30 0x60 0x7c
  • 只有在add的时候可以leak信息, show函数是没用的
  • 用的是calloc, 会把申请到的chunk清零
  • 最多只允许调用11次calloc (0-10)
  • delete里用了一个标志变量判断是否有double-free


  • editoff-by-one, 在可以改下一个chunk headersize
  • 读入菜单选项的函数存在一个字节的溢出, 可以把第4块chunk(编号从0开始)是否被free过的标志变量覆写, 从而达到double free

这里有一个小知识点, 在glibc-2.23/malloc/malloc.c__libc_calloc函数中(3259行):

  /* Two optional cases in which clearing not necessary */
  if (chunk_is_mmapped (p))
      if (__builtin_expect (perturb_byte, 0))
        return memset (mem, 0, sz);

      return mem;

可以看到calloc 函数不会把 mmap 系统调用拿到的内存清零, 这是因为mmap系统调用拿到的内存本身就是清零的, 为了节省性能开销这里就不再调用memset清了.

因此如果能覆写chunk的IS_MMAPED位, 就可以绕过calloc的清零操作. 参考chunk结构图可以发现当一个chunk的data部分大小为0x18时, 其利用edit中的off-by-one就正好可以覆盖下一个chunk的IS_MMAPED位:

那么现在思路其实很明确了, 主要步骤:

  1. 用0x18的chunk作为辅助编辑块, 负责修改其下一个chunk的IS_MMAPED绕过calloc的清零
  2. 0x7c大小的unsorted bin chunk泄露libc基址
  3. 0x60 大小的chunk做fastbin attack, 拿到一块指向__malloc_hook的fake chunk
  4. 覆写__malloc_hookone gadget, 调用一次add拿到shell
    继续阅读“Insomni’hack teaser 2022 Pwn writeup”